setting up my fall tbr | top ten tuesday

by - 8:00 AM

Hello there! It has been too long since I've typed the words "top ten tuesday" into a search engine but in light of trying to tap back into my blogging roots I'm setting up a fall tbr for this week's prompt. Keep in mind that we're almost done with September and at the moment of draft this post, I have not actually finished anything so this is a tbr in the absolute loosest definition of a tbr.


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one for my enemy by olivie blake
A retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in Manhattan and involving rival witch families, I've had One for My Enemy on my shelves for years at this point. There's just something so atmospheric about Olivie Blake's writing that reminds me of the crisp fall air as well. I'm about 100 pages through with this one and so far I'm definitely invested.

mistress of lies by k. m. enright
To be honest, I don't know too much about this other than it involves a vampire king, blood magic, or a string of murders that the main character has to solve. I can't remember the last time I read a vampire novel so this one will feel like a throwback to the 2010s paranormal books I used to binge read. 

a sorceress comes to call by t. kingfisher
T. Kingfisher has become synonymous with fall in my mind because her books always contain an atmosphere that feels slightly haunted. A Sorceress Comes to Call is a retelling of The Goose Girl which I'm not super familiar with but I love a good spin on a classic fairytale.


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bunny by mona awad
Another novel I've had on my shelves for years, Bunny has been this enigma for me because of how polarizing its reviews are. All I know about the premise is that it follows a girl who finds herself entangled with a group calling themselves the Bunnies and madness ensues. 

house of hollow by krystal sutherland
I am a huge sucker for eerily unsettling faerie stories and this has been on the top of my tbr for a while but I keep putting it off to wait for the "right time." Following a group of sisters who disappeared as children and reappeared slightly magical as years later one of them disappears again. 

juniper and thorn by ava reid
As an Ava Reid stan, I'm a little ashamed to admit that I haven't read Juniper and Thorn but again, I was just waiting for the fall to arrive. A gothic horror retelling of the Juniper Tree, I've heard that this delves into some darker topics as the main character discovers her identity beyond the traumas that life has inflicted upon her.

she is a haunting by trang thanh tran
I picked this up from a bookstore in Boston last year because if there's one bookish concept I'll always love, it'll be a creepy house. This follows a girl who returns to Vietnam to spend the summer with her estranged father and finds out that the house seems to come alive, warping and blending reality with the supernatural. 


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us against the likes by marie voinson
If you've been part of the blogging world, Marie from Drizzle and Hurricane Books is a name that might sound familiar. Probably one of the first book bloggers I remember following, I'm so excited for her debut. The story centers around a young girl on a journey to discover her identity amongst her social media presence as a travel influencer and the impact that social media has on one's mental health when chasing after the internet's validation. 

a song to drown rivers by ann liang
This book may just win one of the prettiest designs of 2024 and is quite possibly one of my most anticipated releases of the year. The only reason I haven't dived into the e-arc is because I'm scared...everyone I know who has already read this has spoken of emotional trauma you'll feel and my sister, who has finished her arc, cried twice. Needless to say, I'm a little intimidated but also excited to read something that'll wreck me.

one dark window by rachel gillig
I've had this duology on my tbr for a while now especially after hearing Leonie from The Book Leo talk about it in a wrap up. All I can remember of the synopsis is that if follows a girl who has a monster inside of her and the magic system is based off a deck of cards. The writing is also supposed to be incredibly atmospheric which will be perfect for this time of year.

I'm going to do my best to be present and accountable at least on this platform and start to build a routine that is sustainable in the long run. It honestly makes me a little sad to see that I've written less than 10 posts this entire year so hopefully I can remedy that and close off 2024 strong. Let me know what books you're planning on reading this fall!

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  1. I hope you like She Is a Haunting!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. Good luck with getting back into the blogging swing of things. I've been a bit MIA as well! It can be tough to keep up. I hope you enjoy your Fall reading.

    Happy TTT!

    1. there's just so many things to do but we got this!! ♡

  3. These all look really good, I hope you love them.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  4. Nive list! I want to read Bunny at some point too. Here's my TTT post of this week:

    1. I'm so curious about it because it's got such a cult following, hopefully you'll be able to get to it soon! ♡

  5. I've gone through "droughts" in blogging but always come back to my little corner of the web :) Good luck with your routine and with your TBR!
    Here's my TTT:

    1. I definitely miss it when I'm MIA for so long so hopefully I can be more consistent this time around! ♡

  6. House of Hollow looks really interesting. I hope you're able to figure out a system to become more stable with your blogging. I've been struggling with blogging consistency lately too, so I know the struggle. Have a wonderful week. - Katie

    My TTT if you wish to visit -

    1. thank you, hope your week is going wonderfully ♡

  7. I loved House of Hollow and I need to get my paws on A Sorceress Comes to Call.

    1. I'm so excited for it, I keep really good things! ♡

  8. A bunch of these are on my TBR too! I especially want to read more t. kingfisher books. I hope you enjoy them all!

    1. thank you! I hope you get to them soon and definitely let me know what you think! ♡
