Review: Secret Garden

by - 10:41 AM

Secret Garden: 5th Mini Album
| Release Date: January 7, 2018 |
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

I am absolutely blown away by this comeback, I have absolutely no words! For my first album review of 2018, we're off to a great start. I loved Closer and have been waiting for them to release another album with a similar concept. Guys, the MV for Secret Garden is literally the most magical thing ever! 

For 2018, I was debating on whether I wanted to change the way I did these album reviews so they would be a bit more in depth but I haven't quite decided. I'm going to keep the format the same for this one though because I just need a space to fangirl because (note: this paragraph was inserted after the original review was written) Oh My Girl won TWO awards for Secret Garden. I have watched so many different fancams and then the actual award show videos and honestly, it made my week. Might have even shed a tear or two.

The B-track that they promoted was Love O'Clock and I just wish that we could have gotten a full stage because I just want to Mimi rap!! I loved that she sang in Secret Garden but I also love her rapping skills. My second favorite track in the album has to be Butterfly. It's just such a pretty song and I can't find the right words to describe it, it's just beautiful :)

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