keeping up my streak | march wrap up

Brace yourselves it's already April folks. I have been dreading this month since I first received all of my syllabi for the semester because everything under the sun is being due. We are jumping in from one tough month into an even tougher month which is always so exciting.
All right, cutting back on the negative sarcasm that has been taking over my life as I sit in denial of all the work I need to do - March was a decent reading month for me. I kept up my streak of three books so I'm not too sad about still being behind my Goodreads challenge. I also managed to get reviews for 2/3 books so compared to February (I'm still working on those...) I'm doing quite well.
summer bird blue by akemi dawn bowman - (★★★☆)) - review - this story encompasses so much emotion within its pages, it's like I'm continuously being punched in the gut. Rumi's grief is so poignant and her anger is like a double edged sword that has been thrown into a tornado - it just cuts everything and everyone, including the reader. However, as painful it is to read, her healing process is worth every page. As she begins to heal from the loss of her sister, she also begins to learn more about how she identifies herself in the world.
the path keeper by n.j. simmonds - (★★★) - review - an interesting premise that isn't terribly original but blown completely out of context with the dramatics. I was torn between indifference and constant eye-rolls at the amount of cheesiness that was going on, but I somehow kept reading. This wasn't a "bad" read per se, but after finishing, it didn't make a lasting impression. I'm still curious about how the author plans on wrapping up the characters' stories since I believe this is the start of the trilogy, but I don't know if I can really take more unnecessary drama and intense emotions.
house of salt and sorrows by erin. a craig - (★★★) - review - the twelve dancing princesses (eight really cause four of them already died) mixed with the possibility of a curse. This premise drew me in from the first lines of the summary. The execution of the plot could have been smoother as opposed to the jarring pulses of "nothing is happening here" to "everyone is dying and secrets and ahhh." All within the confines of a couple of pages. However, the climax was great. It was amazing to see all the pieces fall into place and true intentions revealed (even if I still think the ending was slightly cheesy)
Overall I think I did a decent job. I managed to get through my NetGalley ARCs in a reasonable amount of time so that's a plus in itself. I don't really have a set April TBR but my parents did bring up some fun books when they visited so I might get started on those. I also want to finish The Shadowglass this week because I didn't manage to complete it last week...I'll get there.
- your turn -
What's the biggest eye roll moment you've ever experienced from a book?
- your turn -
What's the biggest eye roll moment you've ever experienced from a book?