trapezing through the dark | harley in the sky book tag
Going to a circus right now would be absolutely magical, but for the time being we'll probably have to rely on books to take us to faraway places. I was originally planning on getting this post up last week to celebrate the release of Harley in the Sky, but all the school closings took most of my brain capacity and power. So we're coming in one week late, but I'm still excited to share my answers to this tag.
The Harley in the Sky Book Tag was created by Jemma @ Fantastic Books and I found the tag through Kay @ Hammock of Books. Be sure to click on the hyperlinks to see their responses as well!
Ringmaster: What book introduced you to your favorite genre?
The Great Tree of Avalon by TA Barron
This probably isn't the first fantasy novel I read but it was the first one that came to mind. I remember blowing through this trilogy as a sixth grader and becoming completely immersed in the world - one of my favorite things about the genre.
This probably isn't the first fantasy novel I read but it was the first one that came to mind. I remember blowing through this trilogy as a sixth grader and becoming completely immersed in the world - one of my favorite things about the genre.
Acrobatics: Fast-paced read
Angelfall by Susan EE
I can't even remember what this is about but I know I read the entire trilogy in a single day - that was how much I loved these books and how quickly I read them.
I can't even remember what this is about but I know I read the entire trilogy in a single day - that was how much I loved these books and how quickly I read them.
Clowns: A book that made you laugh
The Heartforger by Rin Chupeco
I didn't want to put two books on the same trilogy on the list cause I knew The Bone Witch was going to be an answer for a later question, but I honestly could not think of a book that has made me laugh in a while. The banter and relationships between all the characters in this trilogy is why I love it so much and it's probably the closest answer I've got.
Knife thrower: A book that had you on the edge of your seat
The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden
To put it into perspective, I cried within the 30 pages of the story and literally felt like I couldn't breathe for the entirety of the novel.
To put it into perspective, I cried within the 30 pages of the story and literally felt like I couldn't breathe for the entirety of the novel.
Tightrope walker: A book you just couldn’t put down
The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst
I really want to reread this because I remember I couldn't stop reading it and it's been so long that I can't recall what happens. However, I remember being so engrossed into the pure brutality of the world and the story itself.
I really want to reread this because I remember I couldn't stop reading it and it's been so long that I can't recall what happens. However, I remember being so engrossed into the pure brutality of the world and the story itself.
Ventriloquist: A book with a great twist
Wicked as You Wish by Rin Chupeco
There are several curve balls that are thrown throughout the plot that keeps you constantly second-guessing people's intentions. At the end, the only conclusion I could reach is that things are not quite as they initially seem.
There are several curve balls that are thrown throughout the plot that keeps you constantly second-guessing people's intentions. At the end, the only conclusion I could reach is that things are not quite as they initially seem.
Magician: A book with a magic system you love
A Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
I just have a soft spot for books with lovely monstrous personalities. While it's not one of the most fascinating and complex systems, it's honestly the most recent one that popped into my mind.
I just have a soft spot for books with lovely monstrous personalities. While it's not one of the most fascinating and complex systems, it's honestly the most recent one that popped into my mind.
Static Trapeze: Best or Worst cliffhanger
The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco
I have way too many Rin Chupeco books on this list, but I remember finishing this story and being in complete shock at the twist of events. While it wasn't a heart-stopping cliffhanger that made me want to throw things at the wall, my stomach definitely did a drop so that counts right.

I have way too many Rin Chupeco books on this list, but I remember finishing this story and being in complete shock at the twist of events. While it wasn't a heart-stopping cliffhanger that made me want to throw things at the wall, my stomach definitely did a drop so that counts right.

This tag was a lot harder than I initially thought. I would love to know your answers for these questions because it seems I am in desperate need for some recs - if you have any books that made you laugh till you cried, please let me know (that question took me way too long to answer). 😂😂
Also, if you haven't checked out Harley in the Sky, I would definitely recommend you pick it up. We follow a teenage girl (named Harley) who decides to run away and follow her dreams of becoming a trapeze artist. It's full of great coming-of-age themes like wonderful relationships, following your passions, and accepting mental health. I'll end with one of my favorite quotes -
Stars shine their brightest in the dark. So take this opportunity and supernova the shit out of it.