Hello world! Welcome to the last day of #PetitMas! Tomorrow is Christmas Day and I'm so excited. While I didn't exactly succeed in posting for 12 days straight, I still think I managed to do a decent job amidst the crazy final season so I'm not going to kick myself for missing a couple of days.
Today's post is going to be a video (gasps!) that I filmed recently talking about my 2017 Favorites in the book and music categories. The footage is pretty grainy since I filmed it at night and my camera is pretty old - it's also kind of out of focus since it seemed to have focused on my fox plush in the background. With those visual fails aside, I actually had fun filming and editing this (as well as playing with an possible intro) so I decided to go ahead and edit it anyway.
I hope the visual quality isn't too annoying for anyone, I'll definitely make sure in any future video that everything is clear and in focus. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me through my little #PetitMas adventure - I hope you have an amazing holiday weekend and I'll be back before the end of the year for a final wrap up!